Republican, District 5, Carroll County
House Office Building, Room 324
6 Bladen St., Annapolis, MD 21401
(410) 841-3200, (301) 858-3200
1-800-492-7122, ext. 3200 (toll free)
fax: (410) 841-3349, (301) 858-3349
Member of House of Delegates since January 8, 2003 (representing District 9B, 2003-15; District 5 since January 14, 2015). Member, Health and Government Operations Committee, 2009- (health facilities & occupations subcommittee, 2009-; public health & long-term care subcommittee, 2009-14; public health & minority health disparities subcommittee, 2015-); Rural Health-Care Work Group, 2011-; Joint Oversight Committee on the Maryland Health Benefit Exchange, 2014-. Member, Special Committee on Higher Education Affordability and Accessibility, 2003-04; Economic Matters Committee, 2003-06 (business regulation subcommittee, 2003-06; unemployment insurance subcommittee, 2003; workers' compensation subcommittee, 2003; banking, economic development, science & technology subcommittee, 2004-06; public utilities work group, 2004-06); Ways and Means Committee, 2007-09 (transportation subcommittee, 2007-09). Deputy Minority Whip, 2011-14. Vice-Chair, Western Maryland Delegation, 2008-. House Chair, Carroll County Delegation, 2011-. Member, Maryland Bicycle and Pedestrian Caucus, 2003-; Maryland Rural Caucus, 2003-; Maryland Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus, 2003-; Women Legislators of Maryland, 2003- (endorsement committee, 2006; executive board, at large, 2015-16); Maryland Educators Caucus, 2005-; Maryland Veterans Caucus, 2005-. Member, National Conference of State Legislatures (labor & workforce development committee, 2005-07; communications, financial services & interstate commerce committee, 2007-); American Legislative Exchange Council, 2003- (commerce, insurance & economic development task force, 2003-10; health & human services task force, 2011-).
Member, Maryland Advisory Commission on Manufacturing Competitiveness, 2003-; Governor's Workforce Investment Board, 2004-15; Task Force to Study How to Improve Financial Literacy in the State, 2008-10; Long-Term Care Reform Work Group (DHMH), 2010-11; Maryland Commission on Suicide Prevention, 2015-.
President, Board of Education, Carroll County, 2001-02 (member, 1999-2002).
Born in Baltimore, Maryland, December 4, 1959. Attended Woodlawn Senior High School, Baltimore, Maryland; Towson State University, B.S. (business administration & accounting), 1981; University of Baltimore, postgraduate studies. Accountant and financial consultant. Former client manager, Aston IT Group. Honorary Board of Directors, Joanna M. Nicolay Melanoma Foundation, 2004-. Board of Trustees, Carroll Hospice, 2009-. Member, Community Advisory Committee, Carroll Lutheran Village, 2010-. Board of Directors, Wesley Freedom Early Years Learning Center. Honorary lifetime member, Maryland State Parent-Teacher Association. Member, Legislative Committee, Maryland Association of Boards of Education; Maryland Caucus of Black School Board Members. Member, Freedom Area Citizens Council; Freedom District Lion's Club (program coordinator). Past member, Executive Board, Liberty High School Parent-Teacher-Student Association (PTSA); Oklahoma Road Middle School Parent-Teacher Association (PTA). Past member, Advisory Board, Historical Society of Carroll County. Member, Wesley Freedom United Methodist Church, Sykesville, Maryland. Married; three children.
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