Appointed by Governor to 3-year terms: Valerie S. Carr; Lorig Charkoudian, Ph.D.; Theresa E. Detorie; Elizabeth Watson Ray. Terms expire 2016.
Appointed by State Superintendent of Schools: Margaret Grady Kidder, Ph.D.
Appointed by Maryland Association of Boards of Education: Michael A. Durso
Appointed by Public School Superintendents' Association of Maryland: Henry V. Wagner, Jr., Ed.D.
Ex officio: Thiru Vignarajah, designee of Attorney General; Cecilia Warren, designee of Secretary of Disabilities; Lt. Col. Woodrow W. Jones, designee of Secretary of State Police; Karen B. Salmon, Ph.D., State Superintendent of Schools.
Edward A. Clarke, Executive Director
Maryland Coordination & Analysis Center, Suite 130
7125 Ambassador Road, Baltimore, MD 21244
(301) 370-3497
Staff: Michael L. Ford, Ed.D.
c/o Division of Student, Family & School Support, State Dept. of Education
Nancy S. Grasmick State Education Building, 200 West Baltimore St., Baltimore, MD 21201 - 2595
(410) 767-0031
The Maryland Center for School Safety was established as an independent unit of State government in July 2013 (Chapter 372, Acts of 2013).
To provide a coordinated and comprehensive policy for school safety in Maryland, the Center collaborates with local school systems, law enforcement agencies, State and local government, community organizations, parents, and other groups. With those partners, the Center disseminates information on best practices, programs, and resources; provides technical assistance and training; collects, analyzes, and integrates Statewide data; and promotes interagency efforts to ensure safe schools.
The Governing Board for the Maryland Center for School Safety provides general oversight and direction to the Center, and approves the Center's budget. The Board developed an implementation plan for phasing in the establishment and operation of the Center.
Eleven members constitute the Governing Board. Four are appointed by the Governor, who designates the chair. Four members serve ex officio, and the State Superintendent of Schools, the Maryland Association of Boards of Education, and the Public School Superintendents' Association of Maryland each appoint one member.
The Center's Executive Director is appointed by the Governing Board (Code Education Article, secs. 7-1501 through 7-1505).
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